20th Annual Knights of Columbus St. Charles Council 12497 ā€œNever Give Up on Lifeā€ Memorial Golf Outing

Save the Date:Ā  Monday, July 22, 2019 Elgin Country Club

Corbella Clinic

Registration Opens:Ā  Monday, April 15, 2019

This Memorial Golf Outing continues to honor the life of Chuck Hollenbach. Chuck was aĀ  Brother Knight, a friend, and a compassionate supporter of the Fox Valley Pregnancy Center,Ā now the Corbella Clinic. Chuck battled ALS for many years, and although he lost his fight to theĀ disease, he never gave up on life. To honor Chuck and carry on his legacy, the Knights ofĀ Columbus Council 12497 host the annual ā€œNever Give Up on Lifeā€ Memorial Golf Tournament,Ā which supports the Corbella Clinic.

Knights Brochure

In honor of our 20th Anniversary Golf Outing in partnership with Corbella Clinic, the Knights of Columbus St. Charles Council 12497 have setup with Lands End the opportunity to order a very special Golf Shirt (mens and ladies). Please click on the link below to order your 2019 Corbella Clinic Golf Shirt.

2019 Golf Corbella Clinic Golf Shirt


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Inaugural Bingo Night grossed over $900

Bingo Night was a big success. In spite of the horrible weather on January 25, 2019, we had 27 hearty souls come out, enjoy alot of fun and win some nice prizes! We grossed over $900 for our charitable efforts. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way to make this a

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$1,005 Contributed to Mercy for the Starving

The Auxiliary matched member’s personal donations up to $500.Ā  Members donated $505, thus far.Ā  Our $1,005 donation will purchase 4,568 nutritious MannaPack™ meals.Ā  The food funded by this donation provides a critical foundation for a child.Ā  It is the first step towardĀ a hope-filled life for them and their families.

Founded in 1987, Feed My Starving ChildrenĀ® is a ChristianĀ non-profit that provides nutritionally complete meals forĀ starving, malnourished and hungry people. The prepackagedĀ dry mealsā€”costing less than a quarter each to makeā€”areĀ funded and assembled by donor-volunteers in the UnitedĀ States. FMSC food has reached more than 70 countries inĀ their history.

We are still accepting donations.Ā  Cash or checks made payable to Feed My Starving Children.Ā  It is extremely important to include theĀ Event Number MP 1903-014AU in the Memo section. If not included, St. Patrick Church does not getĀ credit for the donation.Ā  Donations can be dropped off at our next business meeting, Monday, February 4th, 7:00 PM at the Crane Road Church, St. Peter’s Room.

All money received goes directly to Feed My Starving Children.

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We are 2-for-2 for the gravy bulk room assignment!

This year there were 3 teams of 7, the Ladies Auxiliary group and one other group, that bagged and sealed 1,957 bags of powdered gravy for the Thanksgiving boxes.

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Another Successful Habitat for Humanity Project

November 3rd Project Day was supported by 5 Ladies, family and friends.Ā  They hung drywall on the ceiling of all places.


Remember, no construction experience is required, just a willing heart!


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Bunco Fundraiser raised $1,700 for Living Well Cancer Resource Center

LivingWell is dedicated to delivering evidence-based, medically mainstream programs and services that encourage, empower, support and provides hope to thousands of newly diagnosed patients and their families every year. All 80+ programs and services are provided free of charge because they believe that no one should face cancer alone.

President Donna Fike presented Nancy with the proceeds after a rousing Bunco game and raffle prizes.Ā  The Ladies Auxiliary wish to thank all of the players that came out to support the event and businesses and individuals that donated prizes – your generosity was very kind.
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Donation to purchase resources for Parish Nursing Program

The Ladies Auxiliary donated funds to purchase needed resources for the Volunteer Parish Nursing Program at St. John Neumann.  Pictured below are Father Peck and Nancy Houser with the materials.  This is a new endeavor for St. John Neumann that attempts to integrate health and healing with faith and the faith community.

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Crucifix donated by Ladies Auxiliary

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Auxiliary Supports Joshua Tree Community

The Auxiliary made a monetary contribution and several Auxiliary members attended the September 20, 2018 fundraising dinner.

The Joshua Tree Community isĀ aĀ 501(c)(3) not-for-profit Day Program for non-aggressive mildly intellectually disabled adults over the age of 22 or are no longer in public education and over the age of 18. Ā It is their goalĀ to provide anĀ underserved community of adults a means to participate in activities that will enrich their lives on a year round, daily basis.

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New Membership Night – 10/1/2018 7:30pm

We are hosting a Membership Night at St. John Neumann Church on Monday, October 1, at 7:30 PM, Room 122. Ā Ladies 18 and older are invited to attend. We will have a special guest showing us how to make greeting cards.Ā  It will be a fun night getting to know women who might like to join our group. Come and find out about the Ladies Auxiliary!Ā  Light refreshments will be served.

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